Last night we looked the holy life of a chosen exile in 1 Peter 1:13-2:3. It is important to remember of course that this section of 1 Peter is directly linked to and based upon the beginning of the letter, namely verses 1-12. It is in the first twelve verses where Peter establishes the truth and factual information about the gospel that informs the rest of his letter. We are not called to live a holy life so that God will accept us, but rather we live a holy live because God has accepted us through his son. Despite our sin, rebellion and rejection of God he still loves us. He made us and he knows everything about us. He graciously provided a way for us to have a restored relationship with him and that is through the death, burial and resurrection of his one and only son Jesus Christ.
In 1 Peter 1:13-2:3 we find 5 commands for life. These of course are to be obeyed in response to the saving power of the gospel not out of a desire to be accepted by God. Through the gospel we have been brought into God's family and our response should be to live a holy life as a chosen exile. This means living our life firmly set upon the hope that Jesus is coming back to make all things right. This truly is good news!
This week read through 1 Peter again, or maybe for the first time and realize that the commands for living that Christians receive are always based upon the gospel.
After the message, I spoke with Leslie (one of the regulars at re:Gen) and she told me that she'd been reading and meditating on 1 Peter 1:13-2:3 all week. She had read it over and over again thinking about it and pondering it so that when she came on Sunday night to hear the text preached she would really be ready for it. I think this is an amazing idea. I would like to encourage all of you to be reading the text ahead of time leading up to each Sunday night gathering. This next week the text is 1 Peter 2:4-12. Try and read it once a day this week. Pray over the text, meditate on the text and also pray for pastor Scott as he prepares this week to preach this text. Pray that God would speak to us through him. Come next Sunday night longing to hear a word from the Lord. Come next Sunday night expecting to hear from God. Preaching is not a solo event, but rather it requires the prayers of those who hear as well. If we all want to hear a word from God each Sunday night then we must all beg God to speak.
Have a great week, remind yourself of the gospel everyday, and live the holy life of a chosen exile.
God Bless!