Sharing the Gospel - Four “Points” in a Story

Here is a great, very simple approach to sharing the gospel with people you know or are just getting to know by Tim Chester (author of Total Church and You Can Change):

Four points of intersection

Everyone has their own version of the ‘gospel’ story:
  1. creation – who I am or who I should be
  2. fall – what’s wrong with me and the world
  3. redemption – what’s the solution
  4. consummation – what I hope for
When we hear people expressing their version of creation, fall, redemption or consummation, we can talk about the gospel story. Talking about Jesus begins with listening to other people’s stories and sharing our own story of Jesus.

Four liberating truths

Everyone’s behaviour is shaped by what they believe. We can listen out for the beliefs that shape people’s behaviour and shape their hurts and hopes. This then allows us to speak of the liberating truth of God which counters the lies upon which people build their lives and which eventually fail them in some way:
  1. God is great – so we don’t have to be in control
  2. God is glorious – so we don’t have to fear others
  3. God is good – so we don’t have to look elsewhere
  4. God is gracious – so we don’t have to prove ourselves
It is usually less confrontational to present the truth in the form of a personal story. For example, ‘When I was ill last year I found it a great comfort to know that God was in control.’


kelvin s.m. said...

Adorable! the words are just so true and really so much of learning in here!

Have a good day!

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