CCC Life Group Bio

The CCC Life Group is made up of students who attend Clackamas Community College. Any college campus is an awesome place to reach people for the sake of the gospel and that is exactly the aim of this group.

I had Ben Drake, one of the leaders of this group write the bio to let you know more about what the CCC Life Group is all about. Here's what he had to say,

"The CCC Life Group focuses on discipleship and outreach to the population at Clackamas Community College. This is accomplished by developing meaningful relationships with the people in our classes and on campus. We also hold one another accountable with our descipleship plans. The CCC Life Group meets on Wednesdays in the cafeteria at noon to discuss the book “The Reason for God” by Tim Keller. These discussions are open to believers and non-believers alike in effort to converse about topics like the issue of God and suffering, Christianity being a “straightjacket”, Christianity and science and ultimately relate these to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, contact Ben Drake at (503) 277-3142 or email him at"

If you are a student at CCC and want to get plugged in it would be well worth your time. If you are not already plugged into a group, now is the time. There are an endless amount of opportunities out there for us to reach people for the sake of Christ.


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