Jesus Is Alive!

This Sunday we will be taking a break from the Core Value talks and focusing on The Resurrection of Jesus. Easter is THE DAY for Christians. It is the most important day and the truth of this day makes all of the difference. This Sunday night we will be talking about the resurrection and its massive significance in our lives. How significant is it to you?

We will be taking a small excursion through 1 Corinthians, hitting a few keys points (It is really long we can’t do all of it.) To begin honing your focus before we meet again think about these quotes.
“If Jesus is Dead than Christianity is Dead. If Jesus is Alive than Christianity is Alive.”
-Mark Driscoll
“True New Testament Christianity is a religion of the resurrection.”
-John MacArthur
“We live and die; Christ died and lived!” -John Stott
"In the bonds of Death He lay
Who for our offence was slain;
But the Lord is risen to-day,
Christ hath brought us life again,
Wherefore let us all rejoice,
Singing loud, with cheerful voice,
- Martin Luther

-Aeric E.


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